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Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Starring : Shane Sweeney, Tom Geoffrey and Alex Edwards
Genre : Thriller
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R E V I E W [English]
Four friends set out on a motorcycle adventure weekend, clocking up miles in an attempt to outrun their age and urban lifestyles. After bartering with a local land owner for a place to set up camp, they spend the night reminiscing over their wasted youth. The following morning they spot an ominous looking caravan, and decide to investigate. Within minutes, an idiotic prank leads to a series of brutal events and a deadly race for survival. A modern plunge back into the worlds created by movies such as 'Deliverance' and 'Southern Comfort' but with a gritty British twang. Kidnap, murder and a hidden past are just some of the reasons these four adventurers should have stayed at home. An action thriller that will make you question who the villains really are. You cant outrun what's in your blood.
![FISH TANK by](
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Starring : Katie Jarvis, Michael Fassbender and Kierston Wareing
Genre : Drama
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R E V I E W [English]
Mia, a foul-mouthed, stroppy fifteen-year-old, lives on an Essex estate with her tarty mother, Joanne, and precocious little sister Tyler. She has been excluded from school and is awaiting admission to a referrals unit and spends her days aimlessly. She begins an uneasy friendship with Joanne's handsome, extrovert Irish boyfriend, Connor, who encourages her one interest, dancing. What could go wrong?
![THE EAGLE by](
Quality : TS
Info :
Starring : Channing Tatum, Jamie Bell and Donald Sutherland
Genre : Adventure
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Tahun 140 SM, dua puluh tahun setelah hilangnya seluruh Legiun Kesembilan di pegunungan Skotlandia, perwira muda Marcus Aquila (Channing Tatum) tiba dari Roma untuk memecahkan misteri dan mengembalikan reputasi ayahnya, Aquila, komandan Kesembilan. Hanya ditemani seorang budak Inggris bernama Esca (Jamie Bell), Marcus memulai perjalanan menyeberangi Hadrian Wall ke dataran tinggi yang asing – menghadapi suku liar, berdamai dengan memori ayahnya, dan mengambil emblem emas milik legiun yang hilang itu, Eagle of the Ninth.
R E V I E W [English]
In 140 AD, twenty years after the unexplained disappearance of the entire Ninth Legion in the mountains of Scotland, young centurion Marcus Aquila (Tatum) arrives from Rome to solve the mystery and restore the reputation of his father, the commander of the Ninth. Accompanied only by his British slave Esca (Bell), Marcus sets out across Hadrian's Wall into the uncharted highlands of Caledonia - to confront its savage tribes, make peace with his father's memory, and retrieve the lost legion's golden emblem, the Eagle of the Ninth.
![GUNLESS by](
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Starring : Paul Gross, Sienna Guillory and Dustin Milligan
Genre : Action | Comedy | Drama
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Sebuah masyarakat yang tenang dan damai di Dominion Kanada dikejutkan oleh kedatangan seorang koboi yang terluka dengam pistol model Amerika, cukup dikenal sebagai The Montana Kid, dicari karena diduga membunuh tujuh orang. Sebuah klarifikasi mengungkapkan bahwa nama aslinya adalah Sean Rafferty, dan ia mengakui telah membunuh, bukan tujuh, tapi sebelas pria. Hanya hal-hal menjadi lebih buruk setelah Sean mendapatkan dalam buku-buku buruk milisi lokal, dan dengan karunia-pemburu bersenjata panas di jejaknya, tantangan pandai besi bersenjata lokal, Jack Smith, untuk duel – gaya barat liar.
R E V I E W [English]
A quiet and peaceful community in the Dominion of Canada were surprised by the arrival of a cowboy gun With the ever injured the American model, simply known as The Montana Kid, wanted for allegedly killing seven people. A clarification revealed that his real name is Sean Rafferty, and he admitted to have killed, not seven, but eleven men. Only things get worse after Sean get in the bad books of local militia, and armed with a bounty hunter hot on his trail, the challenge of local armed blacksmith, Jack Smith, to a duel - the wild west style.
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Starring : Antonio Banderas, Meg Ryan and Colin Hanks
Genre : Action | Comedy | Romance
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Satu yang selalu menjadi cita-cita Henry Durand (Colin Hanks) adalah menjadi penegak keadilan dan bergabung dengan FBI adalah jalan yang ia pilih. Tiga tahun Henry menghabiskan waktu untuk mengejar karir yang selalu menjadi mimpinya ini. Dan ketika ia pulang ke rumahnya setelah tiga tahun berlalu, Henry disambut kejutan yang sama sekali tak pernah ia perkirakan.
Selama Henry tak pulang, Marty (Meg Ryan), ibu Henry, ternyata telah berubah menjadi seorang wanita cantik yang gila pesta. Marty tak lagi gemuk seperti saat Henry meninggalkan rumah. Dan yang lebih mengejutkan lagi, Marty ternyata sudah punya seorang kekasih yang bernama Tommy (Antonio Banderas). Menurut pengakuannya, Tommy adalah seorang konsultan namun ada sesuatu dari diri Tommy yang membuat Henry curiga.
Dengan bantuan Emily (Selma Blair), kekasihnya yang juga seorang anggota FBI, Henry kemudian menyelidiki siapa sebenarnya Tommy. Dari penyelidikan didapat informasi bahwa Tommy sebenarnya adalah seorang pencuri profesional yang berencana mencuri patung Mother and Son karya Bernin. Henry tak mungkin begitu saja menceritakan hasil temuannya pada ibunya tapi di sisi lain Henry juga tak ingin ibunya jadi korban pencuri profesional ini.
Menggabungkan dua konsep cerita yang berbeda jauh, itulah yang dilakukan George Gallo, sutradara yang juga merangkap sebagai penulis naskah film ini. Di satu sisi, Gallo ingin berkisah tentang kecemburuan seorang anak karena mendapati ibunya sudah memiliki kekasih baru yang mau tak mau menjadi saingan dari image sang ayah di mata si anak. Artinya, kisah ini akan lebih menyorot psikologi Henry sebagai sang anak yang merasa cemburu.
Di sisi lain, Gallo mencoba bercerita tentang petualangan Tommy, sang maestro pencurian, yang berusaha mengambil karya agung Bernin dengan segala macam cara sementara Henry sebagai agen FBI berusaha menggagalkan rencana jahat ini. Di sini kisah film ini jadi mirip film ENTRAPMENT yang dibintangi Sean Connery dan akan lebih menyorot usaha Tommy versus usaha Henry.
Celakanya tak satupun dari dua kisah itu yang benar-benar terasa digarap dengan matang. Akhirnya, nama-nama besar seperti Antonio Banderas, Meg Ryan, Colin Hanks, dan Selma Blair terasa jadi sia-sia. Memang ada kekonyolan yang terjadi di sela-sela dua alur kisah yang sebenarnya terpisah ini namun tetap saja tak mampu mengangkat pamor film ini jadi lebih tinggi.
Selama Henry tak pulang, Marty (Meg Ryan), ibu Henry, ternyata telah berubah menjadi seorang wanita cantik yang gila pesta. Marty tak lagi gemuk seperti saat Henry meninggalkan rumah. Dan yang lebih mengejutkan lagi, Marty ternyata sudah punya seorang kekasih yang bernama Tommy (Antonio Banderas). Menurut pengakuannya, Tommy adalah seorang konsultan namun ada sesuatu dari diri Tommy yang membuat Henry curiga.
Dengan bantuan Emily (Selma Blair), kekasihnya yang juga seorang anggota FBI, Henry kemudian menyelidiki siapa sebenarnya Tommy. Dari penyelidikan didapat informasi bahwa Tommy sebenarnya adalah seorang pencuri profesional yang berencana mencuri patung Mother and Son karya Bernin. Henry tak mungkin begitu saja menceritakan hasil temuannya pada ibunya tapi di sisi lain Henry juga tak ingin ibunya jadi korban pencuri profesional ini.
Menggabungkan dua konsep cerita yang berbeda jauh, itulah yang dilakukan George Gallo, sutradara yang juga merangkap sebagai penulis naskah film ini. Di satu sisi, Gallo ingin berkisah tentang kecemburuan seorang anak karena mendapati ibunya sudah memiliki kekasih baru yang mau tak mau menjadi saingan dari image sang ayah di mata si anak. Artinya, kisah ini akan lebih menyorot psikologi Henry sebagai sang anak yang merasa cemburu.
Di sisi lain, Gallo mencoba bercerita tentang petualangan Tommy, sang maestro pencurian, yang berusaha mengambil karya agung Bernin dengan segala macam cara sementara Henry sebagai agen FBI berusaha menggagalkan rencana jahat ini. Di sini kisah film ini jadi mirip film ENTRAPMENT yang dibintangi Sean Connery dan akan lebih menyorot usaha Tommy versus usaha Henry.
Celakanya tak satupun dari dua kisah itu yang benar-benar terasa digarap dengan matang. Akhirnya, nama-nama besar seperti Antonio Banderas, Meg Ryan, Colin Hanks, dan Selma Blair terasa jadi sia-sia. Memang ada kekonyolan yang terjadi di sela-sela dua alur kisah yang sebenarnya terpisah ini namun tetap saja tak mampu mengangkat pamor film ini jadi lebih tinggi.
R E V I E W [English]
One who has always been the ideals of Henry Durand (Colin Hanks) is to be the enforcers of justice, and joined the FBI is the path he chose. Three years Henry spent the time to pursue a career that has always been a dream of this. And when he returned to his home after three years passed, Henry was welcomed surprise at all he never expected.
As long as Henry is not home, Marty (Meg Ryan), the mother of Henry, it has turned into a beautiful woman that crazy party. Marty was no longer fat like when Henry left home. And more surprising, Marty was already had a boyfriend named Tommy (Antonio Banderas). According to his testimony, Tommy is a consultant, but there is something of yourself that makes Tommy Henry is suspicious.
With the help of Emily (Selma Blair), her lover who is also a member of the FBI, Henry then investigate who the real Tommy. From the investigation obtained information that Tommy was actually a professional thief who plans to steal the statue of Mother and Son by Bernin. Henry can not just tell its findings to her mother but on the other hand Henry also did not want his mother to be victims of this professional thief.
Combining the two concepts far different story, that's what George Gallo, the director who also doubles as a screenplay writer of this. On the one hand, is about jealousy Gallo wanted a child because she already has found a new lover who would not want to be a rival of his father's image in the eyes of the child. That is, this story will have a highlight psychology Henry as the child who feels jealous.
On the other hand, Gallo tried to tell about the adventures of Tommy, the maestro of theft, who tried to take the great work Bernin with all sorts of ways while Henry as an FBI agent trying to thwart this evil plan. Here the story is so similar to the movie entrapment movie, starring Sean Connery and will further highlight the efforts of business versus Tommy Henry.
Unfortunately neither of the two-story that really worked with a mature feel. Finally, big names like Antonio Banderas, Meg Ryan, Colin Hanks, and Selma Blair feels so in vain. There is a silliness that happens on the sidelines of the two strands separate the real story is however still not able to lift the prestige of the film is so much higher.
As long as Henry is not home, Marty (Meg Ryan), the mother of Henry, it has turned into a beautiful woman that crazy party. Marty was no longer fat like when Henry left home. And more surprising, Marty was already had a boyfriend named Tommy (Antonio Banderas). According to his testimony, Tommy is a consultant, but there is something of yourself that makes Tommy Henry is suspicious.
With the help of Emily (Selma Blair), her lover who is also a member of the FBI, Henry then investigate who the real Tommy. From the investigation obtained information that Tommy was actually a professional thief who plans to steal the statue of Mother and Son by Bernin. Henry can not just tell its findings to her mother but on the other hand Henry also did not want his mother to be victims of this professional thief.
Combining the two concepts far different story, that's what George Gallo, the director who also doubles as a screenplay writer of this. On the one hand, is about jealousy Gallo wanted a child because she already has found a new lover who would not want to be a rival of his father's image in the eyes of the child. That is, this story will have a highlight psychology Henry as the child who feels jealous.
On the other hand, Gallo tried to tell about the adventures of Tommy, the maestro of theft, who tried to take the great work Bernin with all sorts of ways while Henry as an FBI agent trying to thwart this evil plan. Here the story is so similar to the movie entrapment movie, starring Sean Connery and will further highlight the efforts of business versus Tommy Henry.
Unfortunately neither of the two-story that really worked with a mature feel. Finally, big names like Antonio Banderas, Meg Ryan, Colin Hanks, and Selma Blair feels so in vain. There is a silliness that happens on the sidelines of the two strands separate the real story is however still not able to lift the prestige of the film is so much higher.
![MR. DEEDS by](
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Starring : Adam Sandler, Winona Ryder and John Turturro
Genre : Comedy | Romance
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Kisah drama komedi percintaan ini berawal dari seorang pemuda sederhana bernama Deeds (Adam Sandler), ia menjadi kaya mendadak karena mendapat warisan tak terduga dari pamannya yang jumlah ratusan milyaran rupiah. Namun, ia tetap saja bersahaja dan tidak berubah perilakunya karena pengaruh uang yang dimilikinya.
Seorang pemuda yang bernama Longfellow Deeds (Adam Sandler) tinggal di pinggiran kota bersama pamannya selaku pengusaha. Tak lama kemudian pamannya meninggal dan tanpa diduga ia mendapat warisan atas kematian pamannya sebesar 400 milyar. Kemudian ia pun pindah ke kota besar.
Di lingkungan barunya itu, ia mendapat banyak teman dan kemana saja ia berada, ia selalu dikelilingi orang-orang yang hanya ingin mendapatkan uangnya. Sadar akan hal itu, ia pun meninggalkan mereka secara bertahap. Tapi, suatu ketika ia bertemu dengan seorang gadis cantik bernama Babe Bennett (Winona Ryder). Hubungan mereka terus berlanjut dan akhirnya, sang gadis itu menjadi kekasihnya.
Deed mengetahui bahwa dengan kekuatan uang yang dimilikinya dapat mengubah segalanya. Namun, ia tidak akan berubah karena pengaruh uang. Dengan prinsip hidupnya seperti itu, Deeds tetap bersahaja dan selalu membantu setiap orang yang membutuhkan uluran tangannya.
Saksikanlah drama komedi ramantis ini yang diarahkan oleh Steven Brill selaku sutradara dan diperankan oleh artis idola muda Winona Ryder. Bagaimana kelanjutan drama komedi romantis ini? Dan berhasilkah hubungan dua sejoli itu? Apakah Babe mencintai Deeds karena cinta sejati atau karena uang?
Seorang pemuda yang bernama Longfellow Deeds (Adam Sandler) tinggal di pinggiran kota bersama pamannya selaku pengusaha. Tak lama kemudian pamannya meninggal dan tanpa diduga ia mendapat warisan atas kematian pamannya sebesar 400 milyar. Kemudian ia pun pindah ke kota besar.
Di lingkungan barunya itu, ia mendapat banyak teman dan kemana saja ia berada, ia selalu dikelilingi orang-orang yang hanya ingin mendapatkan uangnya. Sadar akan hal itu, ia pun meninggalkan mereka secara bertahap. Tapi, suatu ketika ia bertemu dengan seorang gadis cantik bernama Babe Bennett (Winona Ryder). Hubungan mereka terus berlanjut dan akhirnya, sang gadis itu menjadi kekasihnya.
Deed mengetahui bahwa dengan kekuatan uang yang dimilikinya dapat mengubah segalanya. Namun, ia tidak akan berubah karena pengaruh uang. Dengan prinsip hidupnya seperti itu, Deeds tetap bersahaja dan selalu membantu setiap orang yang membutuhkan uluran tangannya.
Saksikanlah drama komedi ramantis ini yang diarahkan oleh Steven Brill selaku sutradara dan diperankan oleh artis idola muda Winona Ryder. Bagaimana kelanjutan drama komedi romantis ini? Dan berhasilkah hubungan dua sejoli itu? Apakah Babe mencintai Deeds karena cinta sejati atau karena uang?
R E V I E W [English]
The story of this romantic comedy drama began from a modest young man named Deeds (Adam Sandler), he became suddenly rich as it gets an unexpected inheritance from her uncle who number hundreds of billions of dollars. However, he remains humble and does not change its behavior because of the influence of money.
A young man named Longfellow Deeds (Adam Sandler) lives in the suburbs with his uncle as a businessman. Soon after his uncle died and he unexpectedly inherit his uncle's death amounted to 400 billion. Then he was moved to the big city.
In his new environment, he got many friends and where he was, he was always surrounded by people who just want to get the money. Aware of this, he also left them in stages. But, once he met a beautiful girl named Babe Bennett (Winona Ryder). Their relationship continued and eventually, the girl became his mistress.
Deed to know that with the power of money he had to change everything. However, he will not change because of the influence of money. With the principle of his life like it, Deeds remain humble and always help everyone who needs a helping hand.
See this ramantis comedy drama directed by Steven Brill as a director and played by a young idol actress Winona Ryder. How is the continuation of this romantic comedy drama? And the success was the relationship of two lovebirds? Did Babe loves Deeds for true love or because of money?
A young man named Longfellow Deeds (Adam Sandler) lives in the suburbs with his uncle as a businessman. Soon after his uncle died and he unexpectedly inherit his uncle's death amounted to 400 billion. Then he was moved to the big city.
In his new environment, he got many friends and where he was, he was always surrounded by people who just want to get the money. Aware of this, he also left them in stages. But, once he met a beautiful girl named Babe Bennett (Winona Ryder). Their relationship continued and eventually, the girl became his mistress.
Deed to know that with the power of money he had to change everything. However, he will not change because of the influence of money. With the principle of his life like it, Deeds remain humble and always help everyone who needs a helping hand.
See this ramantis comedy drama directed by Steven Brill as a director and played by a young idol actress Winona Ryder. How is the continuation of this romantic comedy drama? And the success was the relationship of two lovebirds? Did Babe loves Deeds for true love or because of money?
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Starring : Poppy Bunga, Farah Hatim and Putri Arifanti
Genre : Horror
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Jika rumah ditinggal dan dikosongkan lebih berbulan atau bertahun-tahun, maka jangan disalahkan, jika penghuninya adalah para makhluk ghaib. Hanya Pak.Budi (Tenno Ali) dan anaknya, Ikhsan (Randy Tanaya) yang selalu setia merawat rumah batu milik keluarga Ibu.Ranty
Itulah disaat rumah batu Ranty (Farah hatim) ibu dari Vika (Poppy Bunga), yang sudah lama tidak dihuni menjadi tempat berkumpulnya mahluk ghaib. Hal tersebut dirasakan oleh Vika, yang kerap selalu membayangi kahidupan Vika. Suster ngesot, Genderewo, kuntilanak, tuyul, dan pocong, selalu saja mengganggu dirumah tersebut. Selain itu, rumah tersebut juga menyimpan misteri yang tidak diungkapkan oleh Ranty
Hantu wanita yg kerap menteror penghuni rumah batu adalah sosok jelmaan Jin yg mendiami rumah batu tersebut. Bahkan keberadaan jasad Diana (Jenny Cortez) yg selalu terlihat wujudnya di rumah batu tidak pernah diketahui oleh siapapun. Bisikan dan rayuan Jin kepada diri anak manusia yang selalu menggoda dan menyesatkan membuat Donna (Putri Arifanti) tidak bisa mengelak ajakan untuk berbuat maksiat dan menjatuhkan diri dari balkon atas sampai mati
Hadirnya kembali Tim Pemburu Hantu semata menjalankan tugas mulia demi membantu sesama hamba Allah untuk membebaskan mereka dari gangguan Jin. Misteri apakah yang membuat rumah tersebut menjadi rumah yang sangat menyeramkan?. Tim pemburu hantu mengungkap misteri dibalik rumah tersebut. Dan bagaimanakah Tim Pemburu Hantu mengusir para makhluk ghaib tersebut? Apakah kali ini mereka berhasil?
Itulah disaat rumah batu Ranty (Farah hatim) ibu dari Vika (Poppy Bunga), yang sudah lama tidak dihuni menjadi tempat berkumpulnya mahluk ghaib. Hal tersebut dirasakan oleh Vika, yang kerap selalu membayangi kahidupan Vika. Suster ngesot, Genderewo, kuntilanak, tuyul, dan pocong, selalu saja mengganggu dirumah tersebut. Selain itu, rumah tersebut juga menyimpan misteri yang tidak diungkapkan oleh Ranty
Hantu wanita yg kerap menteror penghuni rumah batu adalah sosok jelmaan Jin yg mendiami rumah batu tersebut. Bahkan keberadaan jasad Diana (Jenny Cortez) yg selalu terlihat wujudnya di rumah batu tidak pernah diketahui oleh siapapun. Bisikan dan rayuan Jin kepada diri anak manusia yang selalu menggoda dan menyesatkan membuat Donna (Putri Arifanti) tidak bisa mengelak ajakan untuk berbuat maksiat dan menjatuhkan diri dari balkon atas sampai mati
Hadirnya kembali Tim Pemburu Hantu semata menjalankan tugas mulia demi membantu sesama hamba Allah untuk membebaskan mereka dari gangguan Jin. Misteri apakah yang membuat rumah tersebut menjadi rumah yang sangat menyeramkan?. Tim pemburu hantu mengungkap misteri dibalik rumah tersebut. Dan bagaimanakah Tim Pemburu Hantu mengusir para makhluk ghaib tersebut? Apakah kali ini mereka berhasil?
R E V I E W [English]
If a house is abandoned and emptied more months or years, then do not blame, if the residents are the supernatural beings. Only Pak.Budi (Tenno Ali) and her son, Ikhsan (Randy Tanaya) who is always faithful to care for a family-owned stone houses Ibu.Ranty
That's when a stone house Ranty (Farah hatim) mother of Vika (Poppy Flowers), which had long been a gathering place inhabited by supernatural beings. It was felt by Vika, who often always overshadow kahidupan Vika. Sister ngesot, Genderewo, kuntilanak, tuyul, and pocong, always bothering them at home. In addition, the house also keeps the mystery that is not disclosed by Ranty
Ghost woman who often terrorized residents of the house is a stone figure of incarnation Jin who inhabit the stone house. Even the existence of the bodies of Diana (Jennifer Cortez) who is always seen his form in the stone house was never known by anyone. Whispers and seduction to self-Jin human child who was always teasing and misleading makes Donna (Princess Arifanti) could not avoid the call to sinner and threw himself from the balcony above to the death
The presence of the Ghost Hunters team again simply run a noble task to help a fellow servant of God to liberate them from interference Jin. The mystery of what makes a house into a home that really creepy?. Ghost hunter team uncover the mystery behind the house. And how is the Ghost Hunters team evict these supernatural beings? Did they succeed this time?
That's when a stone house Ranty (Farah hatim) mother of Vika (Poppy Flowers), which had long been a gathering place inhabited by supernatural beings. It was felt by Vika, who often always overshadow kahidupan Vika. Sister ngesot, Genderewo, kuntilanak, tuyul, and pocong, always bothering them at home. In addition, the house also keeps the mystery that is not disclosed by Ranty
Ghost woman who often terrorized residents of the house is a stone figure of incarnation Jin who inhabit the stone house. Even the existence of the bodies of Diana (Jennifer Cortez) who is always seen his form in the stone house was never known by anyone. Whispers and seduction to self-Jin human child who was always teasing and misleading makes Donna (Princess Arifanti) could not avoid the call to sinner and threw himself from the balcony above to the death
The presence of the Ghost Hunters team again simply run a noble task to help a fellow servant of God to liberate them from interference Jin. The mystery of what makes a house into a home that really creepy?. Ghost hunter team uncover the mystery behind the house. And how is the Ghost Hunters team evict these supernatural beings? Did they succeed this time?
Quality : DVDScr
Info :
Starring : Cuba Gooding Jr., Christian Slater and Devon Bostick
Genre : Action | Drama | Thriller
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R E V I E W [English]
A tough undercover cop inadvertently gets involved in a dangerous heroin ring when a young defector of the drug trade leaves his five year-old sister in his care.
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Starring : Ringgo Agus Rahman, Fahrani and Bari Bintang
Genre : Comedy
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Sam, gadis cantik sedang menjaga supermarket 24 jam. Matanya menangkap ada penjahat berusaha untuk mengutil. Ternyata ia mengancam agar semua uang di kasir diserahkan kepadanya atau ia akan meledakkan bom yang menempal di dirinya. Panik, penjaga toko langsung menyerahkan uangnya. Namun begitu si Penjahat bergerak keluar, Sam langsung berlari mengejarnya. Di saat yang bersamaan, Sugeng, seorang polisi culun, melihat si Penjahat ngebut dengan motornya. Panik, Sugeng berusaha mengejar penjahat namun penjahat berhasil melarikan diri. Sugeng terluka, akhirnya.
Di perguruan, Sugeng ternyata sudah membuat perjanjian dengan para guru Sam. Ia akan membantu mempromosikan perguruan, termasuk dengan memasukkan para master untuk tampil di TV. Sam harus mengajar Sugeng supaya jago bela diri. Latihan demi latihan dijalani Sugeng. Para master memaksa Sam untuk melatih Sugeng lebih intensif, demi nama baik perguruan.
Di saat yang bersamaan, suksesnya perguruan silat Sam membuat berang perguruan lain yang lebih canggih dan mahal. Ketua perguruan saingan, KI WEDAN ingin mencari siapa Sugeng yang katanya sangat jagoan. Ia mengirim anak-anak buahnya yang jago untuk menangkap Sugeng. Namun dibantu Sam, Sugeng berhasil selamat. Tidak bisa lain, Ki Wedan memutuskan untuk turun tangan sendiri. Ia ingin sekali menantang Sugeng duel. Ia menculik Sam dan berhasil mengalahkan semua master. Ki Wedan membawa Sam ke atas Monas dan menunggu Sugeng di sana. Sekarang bisakah Sugeng menyelamatkan Sam. Apakah pada akhirnya, ia betul-betul bisa mengeluarkan tenaga dalamnya seperti yang diajarkan Sam selama ini?
Di perguruan, Sugeng ternyata sudah membuat perjanjian dengan para guru Sam. Ia akan membantu mempromosikan perguruan, termasuk dengan memasukkan para master untuk tampil di TV. Sam harus mengajar Sugeng supaya jago bela diri. Latihan demi latihan dijalani Sugeng. Para master memaksa Sam untuk melatih Sugeng lebih intensif, demi nama baik perguruan.
Di saat yang bersamaan, suksesnya perguruan silat Sam membuat berang perguruan lain yang lebih canggih dan mahal. Ketua perguruan saingan, KI WEDAN ingin mencari siapa Sugeng yang katanya sangat jagoan. Ia mengirim anak-anak buahnya yang jago untuk menangkap Sugeng. Namun dibantu Sam, Sugeng berhasil selamat. Tidak bisa lain, Ki Wedan memutuskan untuk turun tangan sendiri. Ia ingin sekali menantang Sugeng duel. Ia menculik Sam dan berhasil mengalahkan semua master. Ki Wedan membawa Sam ke atas Monas dan menunggu Sugeng di sana. Sekarang bisakah Sugeng menyelamatkan Sam. Apakah pada akhirnya, ia betul-betul bisa mengeluarkan tenaga dalamnya seperti yang diajarkan Sam selama ini?
R E V I E W [English]
Sam, a pretty girl was keeping 24-hour supermarket. His eyes catch a criminal trying to shoplifting. It turned out that he threatened to have all the money in the cashier handed over to him or he would detonate a bomb that menempal in itself. Panic, direct the clerk handed over the money. But once the criminals move out, Sam ran after him. At the same time, Sugeng, a geeky cop, saw the speeding criminals with his bike. Panic, Sugeng trying to catch criminals but the criminals managed to escape. Sugeng hurt, eventually.
In college, Sugeng was already making a deal with Sam's teachers. He will help promote the college, including by entering the master to appear on TV. Sam must teach Sugeng so good at martial arts. Exercise for the sake of exercise undertaken Sugeng. The master Sugeng forcing Sam to train more intensively, in the name of both universities.
At the same time, the success of the university college silat Sam has angered other, more sophisticated and expensive. Chairman of the rival college, KI WEDAN want to find anyone who said Sugeng very tough. He sent his men who is good to catch Sugeng. But assisted by Sam, Sugeng survived. Unable to another, Ki Wedan decided to intervene themselves. He wanted to challenge Sugeng duel. He was kidnapped Sam and managed to beat all the master. Ki Wedan bring Sam to the top of Monas and wait Sugeng there. Now can Sugeng save Sam. Whether in the end, he really can get out of it as taught by Sam during this?
In college, Sugeng was already making a deal with Sam's teachers. He will help promote the college, including by entering the master to appear on TV. Sam must teach Sugeng so good at martial arts. Exercise for the sake of exercise undertaken Sugeng. The master Sugeng forcing Sam to train more intensively, in the name of both universities.
At the same time, the success of the university college silat Sam has angered other, more sophisticated and expensive. Chairman of the rival college, KI WEDAN want to find anyone who said Sugeng very tough. He sent his men who is good to catch Sugeng. But assisted by Sam, Sugeng survived. Unable to another, Ki Wedan decided to intervene themselves. He wanted to challenge Sugeng duel. He was kidnapped Sam and managed to beat all the master. Ki Wedan bring Sam to the top of Monas and wait Sugeng there. Now can Sugeng save Sam. Whether in the end, he really can get out of it as taught by Sam during this?
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Starring : Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell and Samantha Morton
Genre : Action | Crime | Mystery
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Mengambil setting cerita pada tahun 2054, Precrimes, salah satu departemen kepolisian di US yang bertugas menghentikan tindak kejahatan sebelum kejadian. Sejak mulai beroperasi, Precrime telah menghentikan berbagai tindak pembunuhan, pemerkosaan, pencurian dan berbagai tindak criminal lainnya (sebelum peristiwa itu terjadi). Masyarakat US-pun memberikan apresiasi yang tinggi atas kinerja Precrime.Precrime bekerja dengan bantuan Precog, tiga orang yang memiliki kemampuan khusus untuk memberikan Minority Report, laporan sebelum terjadinya tindak kriminal.
Sejak Precrime mulai beroperasi ada satu kasus pembunuhan yang belum terungkap, dimana tersangka pembunuhan telah ditangkap, namun pada akhirnya korban tetap terbunuh. Ironisnya, korban dalam kasus ini justru adalah Ibu dari Agatha (salah satu diantara Precog). Setelah sekian lama, John Anderthon (Tom Cruise), salah satu anggota Precrime berhasil menemukan sedikit petunjuk untuk memecahkan kasus tersebut. Sialnya, hal tersebut justru menyeretnya kedalam masalah pelik yang melibatkan kenangan masa laulnya dengan mendiang anaknya tercinta.
Diproduksi oleh Twentieth Century Fox dan Dreamworks Pictures TKG, serta dibintangi oleh Tom Cruise, film ini dikemas dengan sangat sempurna dan dieksekusi dengan dahsyat, menjanjikan ketegangan yang luar biasa.
Sejak Precrime mulai beroperasi ada satu kasus pembunuhan yang belum terungkap, dimana tersangka pembunuhan telah ditangkap, namun pada akhirnya korban tetap terbunuh. Ironisnya, korban dalam kasus ini justru adalah Ibu dari Agatha (salah satu diantara Precog). Setelah sekian lama, John Anderthon (Tom Cruise), salah satu anggota Precrime berhasil menemukan sedikit petunjuk untuk memecahkan kasus tersebut. Sialnya, hal tersebut justru menyeretnya kedalam masalah pelik yang melibatkan kenangan masa laulnya dengan mendiang anaknya tercinta.
Diproduksi oleh Twentieth Century Fox dan Dreamworks Pictures TKG, serta dibintangi oleh Tom Cruise, film ini dikemas dengan sangat sempurna dan dieksekusi dengan dahsyat, menjanjikan ketegangan yang luar biasa.
R E V I E W [English]
Taking a story set in the year 2054, Precrimes, one police department in U.S. on duty to stop crime before the incident. Since starting operations, Precrime have stopped numerous acts of murder, rape, theft and various other criminal acts (before it happened). U.S. community-also provide a high appreciation for the performance Precrime.Precrime work with the help Precog, three people who have a special ability to give Minority Report, the report prior to the occurrence of crime.
Since Precrime started operations there was one murder case that has not been revealed, where the murder suspect has been arrested, but eventually fixed the victim was killed. Ironically, the victim in this case it is the mother of Agatha (one among Precog). After so long, John Anderthon (Tom Cruise), a member of Precrime managed to find some clue to solving the case. Unfortunately, it just dragged it into the complicated issues that involve laulnya memories of the late beloved child.
Produced by Twentieth Century Fox and Dreamworks Pictures TKG, and starring Tom Cruise, the film is packed with a very perfect and executed with a vengeance, promising extraordinary tension.
Since Precrime started operations there was one murder case that has not been revealed, where the murder suspect has been arrested, but eventually fixed the victim was killed. Ironically, the victim in this case it is the mother of Agatha (one among Precog). After so long, John Anderthon (Tom Cruise), a member of Precrime managed to find some clue to solving the case. Unfortunately, it just dragged it into the complicated issues that involve laulnya memories of the late beloved child.
Produced by Twentieth Century Fox and Dreamworks Pictures TKG, and starring Tom Cruise, the film is packed with a very perfect and executed with a vengeance, promising extraordinary tension.
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